Maureen O’Brien
Dynamic Business Leader. Engaging Speaker. Stage IV Lymphoma Survivor.
Maureen O’Brien, CEO, MOF is a non-traditional leader. Her first post college job was selling building products to contractors in the Chicago area. Following the birth of her first son, O’Brien launched an exterior remodeling company of her own called O’Brien & Son, Inc. Four children later, that business is in its 32nd year.
Intrigued by the story of this engaging woman and her choice to play with the “big boys,” speaking requests came for O’Brien to share her story. Armed with a degree in education and the equivalent of a PhD in hard knocks, O’Brien is a highly sought-after business speaker, thought leader, and author, considered an expert in Transformational Leadership, Entrepreneurial Thinking, Relationship Selling, and Inclusion. She is certified in the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument, driving whole brain thinking and diversity of thought.
In 2009, O’Brien launched the Global Women’s Leadership Forum® (www.globalwlf.com), a certified WBE, focused on equipping women and men with the competencies, confidence, and courage to lead. In 2017, that business made an intentional pivot and now identifies as the Global Wisdom and Leadership Forum to be inclusive rather than exclusive in its identification.
O’Brien is a recipient of the Dr. MLK Award for the Acceleration of Women in Leadership by the IL Commission on Diversity and Human Relations. She has been named “One of the Most Powerful and Influential Women in IL” by the National Diversity Council.
O’Brien has authored two books: “Get your Big Girl Pants on and SELL Something: A Handbook for Women (and Really Progressive Men) In Sales”, and “Oneness. Wellness. Wholeness: 4 Ways to TAKECARA U!” Books available for purchase on Amazon.com. She is currently working on two new books for release in the fall of 2018. One called, “With the Time We Have Left,” and the other “The Christmas Angel.” Preorders are currently being taken.
In 2016, O’Brien was diagnosed with Stage IV Lymphoma. She battled … and won!